ALQEMA ALASRYA ROBOTICS AND SMART MACHINES TRADING legally owns: . This website is created for the purpose of the company’s ambitious move to cater to its target market needs in the filed of smart home, home automation, and other electronic devices.

This document discusses and covers the privacy and confidentiality policies of []. The management believes that the privacy rights of its clients and subscribers must be prioritized at all times and must not be compromised. In line with this, this WEBSITE PRIVACY POLICY will cover the following sections and aspects: 


[]’s PRIVACY POLICY is duly crafted, organized and structured to achieve and realize the following objectives and goals: 

  • To ensure that the rights to privacy of the website’s clients, subscribers, and users is secured;
  • To avoid any kind of unauthorized disclosure and information usage relevant to the information inputted by the website’s clients, subscribers, and users as well as any and all kinds of company information;
  • To legally comply with the standard rules and regulations pertaining to confidentiality and privacy of certain kinds of data and information.


With the advent of globalization which brought about rapid changes and developments in the field of Information Technology, personal and business information are more susceptible to illegal affairs and activities. Every online user must be vigilant in protecting his or her information especially in terms of storage, use, and dissemination. 

In line with the foregoing, the following are the generally-accepted privacy principles adopted by []:

    1. Proper handling and treatment of any kind of personal information and/or personally identifiable data that is submitted or collected from any client, subscriber, or user of the website or its services;
    2. Strict implementation of a secure medium to protect the data and information submitted and/or collected from any client, subscriber, or user of the website;


    ALQEMA ALASRYA ROBOTICS AND SMART MACHINES TRADING considers itself as an important contributor to the strict implementation of this privacy policy. The management of [] posits also that the users and subscribers themselves play a vital role in the implementation and operation of this policy. 

    In this regard, certain responsibilities with which the management and the website’s clients, subscribers, and users must exemplify in order to achieve the stated objectives of this privacy policy.


    1. Oversee the implementation of the confidentiality and privacy measures for [] pursuant to the conditions of this privacy policy;
    2. Conduct research studies consistently relevant to the privacy policy standards followed within the business industry and update this privacy policy to match and to implement the latest policy standards;
    3. Provide sufficient avenues and areas which will be used to resolve disputes and issues efficiently within the course of the execution of this privacy policy.

        Clients, Subscribers, and Users

        1. Diligently follow and comply with the set policies set out under this privacy policy in order to maintain the confidentiality of any and all information transmitted or submitted through the use of []
        2. Understand that any kind of information stored online cannot be made one-hundred percent secure and may be intercepted, collected, and/or used by third parties. Despite such constraints, the management seeks to protect the information being submitted and/or collected through the website.


        This section deals with the following aspects: 

        1. Types of Information Collected 
        2. Terms of Usage 
        3. Terms of Information Storage 

        Types of Information Collected 

        Type and Nature of the InformationSOURCE/ ORIGIN
        Basic Personal Details
        Name, Residence Address, Email Address, Telephone Number, Age, Gender From third parties, users, clients, advertisers, and etc.
        Basic Business Details
        Business Name, Business Address, Email Address, Business Telephone Number, Year EstablishedFrom third parties, users, clients, advertisers, and etc. 

        Terms of Usage 

        Type and Nature of the InformationSOURCE/ ORIGINTERMS OF USAGE
        Basic Personal DetailsFrom third parties, users, clients, advertisers, and etc. This information serves as our tool to see how the website is utilized. We make the necessary updates and changes on the website for faster and efficient usage.

        Terms of Information Storage 

        Type and Nature of the InformationSOURCE/ ORIGINTERMS OF INFORMATION STORAGE
        Basic Personal DetailsFrom third parties, users, clients, advertisers, and etc.Information is stored in a server protected by password. Only the users with such a password may access the information indicated and the website itself.


        [] ensures and manifests its commitment to ensuring the security of the uploaded information by its clients and end-users. In terms of information sharing, the following policies and regulations are adopted and implemented: 

        Information submitted and collected by the website’s clients, subscribers, and users through the use of []may only be shared to any third party entity only when:

        1. The client, subscriber, or user requested ALQEMA ALASRYA ROBOTICS AND SMART MACHINES TRADING through the website to disclose information on certain products and/or services;
        2. Upon demand of any kind of legal court order of any legal process with which the client, subscriber, or user is involved in;
        3. The use of information collected as a way to establish or to exercise the management’s legal right or defense against any kind of legal action;
        4. Upon due request from the client, subscriber, or user.

            The management is strictly prohibited to engage in illegal downloading and storing of information without securing the consent of the client, subscriber, and/or user who owns such information. Disclosure of the information categorized as confidential and private under this website privacy policy shall be subject to the laws stated under [E-commerce in UAE] and shall be grounds for violation/offense involving the necessary legal proceedings.


            [] observes and adheres to the following privacy rules and regulations: 

            • Any and all kinds of personal and/or confidential information submitted or collected through [] shall be shared, disclosed, and/or used only for the purposes of:
            1. Improvement of products and/or services provided;
            2. Customization of the website for efficient and effective usage;
            3. Storage and records of the management;
            4. Method of contact and/or communication between the management, its clients, subscribers, and users, and relevant third parties associated with such website users aforementioned.

            • Any and all kinds of illegal disclosure on any information considered as private shall be subject to a violation of [E-commerce law in UAE] and shall be subject to the necessary legal measures following the aforementioned law.
            • The clients, subscribers, and users of the []  shall be given the discretion to set up their personal accounts as a way to participate in the services, forums, and communities the management has set up on the aforementioned website. In these connections, deleting the account made is also upon the discretion of the client, subscriber, and/or user who created the account.
            • Updating the information submitted by any client, subscriber, and/or user through the website shall be the responsibility of such client, subscriber, and/or user and not of the management.
            • There is a set age group and range who can make use of and utilize the products and/or services of the []. The protection of the privacy of children is essential and important for management.

            EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS                               

            The terms of this website privacy policy do not cover the following: 

            • Information obtained by and/or collected from other entities and businesses not associated with ALQEMA ALASRYA ROBOTICS AND SMART MACHINES TRADING.
            • The management of []  shall not be held responsible for the privacy practices of third-party websites that are linked through the aforementioned website.


            The parties are obliged to preserve the integrity of any and all material and confidential information which were shared and disclosed by the parties to each other in the course of the operation of the [].

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